1. #reger150 – The Reger-Anniversary 2023

The 150th anniversary of Max Reger's birth will be on 19 March 2023. The anniversary year 2023 marks a wonderful occasion to perform his works in all their fullness and to get to know them (even) better! For this has not changed since Arnold Schönberg's time: “Reger's music must be played a lot.” Reger's music rewards listeners and performers with a great wealth of ideas and references. And there are always new facets to discover.

3 Nov 2024, 16:00, Stuttgart

4 Nov 2024, 20:00, Freiburg

16 Nov 2024, 20:00, Baden-Baden

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Event Calendar

Experience Max Reger and his music in 2023 in your vicinity or worldwide in concerts, at exhibitions, conferences and other events. Whether planned or daily and spontaneous - the event calendar offers a detailed overview. And if you are planning your own #reger150 event, you are invited to register it in the event calendar.


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Max Reger Biography

Who was Max Reger? This question is explored in the Max Reger short biography, which provides information in year-by-year articles about the most important stages of his life and work. Whether as a composer, performer and teacher or simply as a family man, the 43 years of his life reflect not only a composer's life but also all the achievements, losses and upheavals of the turn from the 19th to the 20th century (currently available in german).


Max Reger in pictures

The turn of the century is the time when photography develops into a documentation medium for the general public. Extensive photographic material is available today on Max Reger and his environment, offering an accompanying insight into Reger's life. Whether as a portrait or a glimpse into everyday life - the surviving photographs make it possible to accompany Reger while composing, on concert tours or on family holidays. All to be rediscovered in the Max Reger picture gallery.


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Listen to Max Reger

Whether highly romantic or challenging the boundaries of tonality, the range of what can be heard in Reger's music is immense and requires both physical and mental space. It is impossible to imagine the modern record market without Max Reger's music. The Max Reger Sound Gallery offers the opportunity to listen to selected recordings of works or individual pieces from Reger's works in their entirety or at least in part.


MAXimally fallen in love – Favourite pieces by Max Reger

What is your favorite piece by ? Friends of Reger's music give personal answers. Some are attracted to a certain sound, find themselves in the complex personality of Max Reger or have already played their work in an exam. A podcast series in cooperation with the Max-Reger-Institut and the Institute for Music Journalism at the Karlsruhe University of Music.


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Planning your own #reger150 event?


The Max Reger Institute offers all interested parties the free use of the #reger150 logo. Whether on event posters, concert tickets and programmes or on your website. The logo is available for download in various formats and versions.


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Register your #reger150-event

Use the event calendar of the Max Reger Portal to make your event known and accessible to a worldwide audience in the overall context of the anniversary year. We invite you to register your event via the online form in the event calendar.
